Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The $14 Steadycam

$14 SteadicamIf you haven't already seen it, here's the world famous $14 Steadycam known to DIY filmmakers worldwide - the homemade version of the expensive Steadicam. One hour of your time, and about $14 worth of materials are all you need to make it. With step-by-step instructions with photos and demo videos, this is one piece of DIY film production gear that YOU CAN AFFORD! The real ones are upwards of $2,000.00! Unreal.

The plans are free but if you'd like to forego the hassle of making the Steadycam yourself, than you can also purchase one that's already made from the designer Johnny Chung Lee for only $39.95. Compatible for the lighter cameras like the DVX100, PD150, Canon GL1/GL2 and the JVC GRHD1, the site also describes other compatible cameras and what's included in the ready-made kit. Even in DIY indie filmmaker terms, that's not too bad for a huge chunk of production value at any movie budget level.
The $14 Steadycam | Purchase the $14 Steadycam

1 comment:

  1. My friends and I used to film improv videos... This would have been really useful!
    -The Freshman
